Yellowstone Tours | Best Kept Secrets

Why rely on guided Yellowstone tours through that spectacular wild place we call Yellowstone National Park? Because this picturesque wilderness stretches for more than 3,400 square miles, features 40 major waterfalls, and is home to over 10,000 thermal features. And while you could find and explore all of Yellowstone’s best-kept secrets on your own, it might take a lifetime or longer.
That’s a lot to fit into a 5-day vacation.
See Yellowstone’s Best Places
But if you book your national park excursion through one of Scenic Safaris’ fun and informative Yellowstone tours, you’ll discover all the best wonders this unrivaled area has to offer in fast-forward. For instance, did you know:
- Yellowstone National Park is home to the biggest concentration of free-range wildlife in all of the lower 48 states, five species of which are classified as endangered or threatened. Our Yellowstone tours provide you with a front-row seat to the sights of elk, moose, antelope, bison, bald eagles and more. Wondering how long a moose can keep its head underwater or how much a grizzly bear eats in a day? Your Scenic Safari’s Yellowstone guide is the person to ask.
- Twelve major rivers begin life in Yellowstone, including better known waterways such as the Snake and Yellowstone Rivers? But there’s also the Gallatin, Gibbon and Firehole Rivers, along with seven others.
- Yellowstone has its own Grand Canyon? It’s a valley that runs on for 20 miles through the thick of this scenic wilderness and features several waterfalls, one of which stretches to twice the height of the famed Niagara Falls. Yellowstone’s Grand Canyon measures between 800 and 1,200 feet deep and nearly a mile wide in some areas, and a Yellowstone tour hosted by Scenic Safaris takes you right into the thick of it.
Find the Forest through the Trees
While it’s always possible to explore this miraculous wonder of nature on your own, trusting your vacation to a Scenic Safaris tour guide adds in the subtext you need to really see the forest despite the lodge pole pines blocking the way. Book your adventure-of-a-lifetime today.